Friday, November 7, 2008

The Red Ring of Death

For those of you not aware, and how could you not be, my Xbox 360 received the RED RING OF DEATH 2 weeks ago. For those of you not aware, this is a fatal error that happens sometimes due to a flaw with the design of the console. It requires you to take the console apart, ship it to Texas, at your own cost, wait for repair, and wait for them to ship it back. It's also VERY FRUSTRATING.
I have learned today that mine was shipped and will return to me on the 11th.
This is also very frustrating because a great game that I had on reserve came out today, GEARS OF WAR 2.
I have been looking forward to this game for a while, even though Kristen has not. She is not a fan of the first person shooter (or in this case, 3rd person shooter) and also not a fan of all the gore that this game comes packaged with.
Oh well... I guess I will have to find other things to do with my 360 time, like my PS3 or my Wii.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Aww at least now the Wii and the PS3 are getting some attention. Usually you treat them like the redheaded step children of the gaming world!